The world is a museum of passion projects.

John Collison

, Stripe

Hey, I'm Rohit Singhal. Currently, I'm working on Pebble. Pebble is an AI-tutor for K-12 students to help them learn programming and build their own projects.

My Museum of Passion Projects


An AI-tutor for K-12 students to help them learn programming and build their own projects.

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A cyberdeck e-reader built with a Raspberry Pi and a Waveshare E-Ink display.



BabyARC is a tiny abstraction and reasoning dataset inspired by the original Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus by Francois Chollet.

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AiTone is a web application that allows users to write and execute music code in the browser using Tone.js, with the ability to modify the code using natural language requests processed by AI.

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Email Signature Generator

An email signature generator that allows users to create and customize email signatures with their name, title, and contact information.

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Email Signature Generator